International Food Certifications

Our client, an international food certification association, was facing counterfeiting issues with their certifications, as well as traceability concerns with their products.
Our mission was to design and deliver a security solution that would bring an extra security layer and trace their quality label.

Our Solution

One of our client’s business lines is to issue special certifications to verify the origin and source of their national agricultural products in the local as well as international market. Their main issues provided from the minor security layers on their certifications, making the certifications vulnerable to counterfeiting.

We were able to propose a security solution that would not only help them secure their certifications with up-to-date technology to integrate in their printed label, but would also allow them to track their products across their distribution channels:

The solution proposed was a FlashyShape™ coupled with a “Moiré” technology, produced by one of our partners. Both technologies could be integrated on the product stickers and certifications without disrupting the product layout and certificate material provided by the client.

By using our proposed solutions, our client is able to protect its certifications and secure the regional products to avoid counterfeiting affairs and to authenticate the certificate labels.

Contact us to find out how our solutions can help you.